
Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Thank you for your wonderful messages for 'Teacher Appreciation' Day. It seems that all of you really have learned a great deal this year after all. I think I am going to really miss you all...well the truth is...I'm not going to miss you at all, not for one single second...AND ...none of you will  be welcome back in this 5th grade classroom next year to visit me!!! Do you want to know why?  Well remember that little 'surprise' I've been promising  you all year long??? Well the surprise is.....I'm not going to be in 5th grade next year...I am coming WITH you!!! - Yes I am moving to Middle School with you. I will be teaching 7th grade next year. So... you will get a break from me for one year... but after that... you have a VERY LARGE possibility that I will be teaching you AGAIN... Told you that you had to work hard because Middle School would be tough. Now you know why !!! The adventure is just beginning :-)

No H/W tonight - Enjoy your literacy lock-in

What is the message that connects across all the events portrayed in  the videos?

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