
Monday, April 22, 2013

Literacy Essay

Literacy essay. Create a 'working final draft' - This means that the paper does not have to be perfect, but you should have completed writing your intro, conclusions, and supporting paragraphs with evidence and interpretations. We will use tomorrow's class to edit before publishing. I have not seen enough evidence of synergistic working as teams.  - Improve this tonight!

Study link 11.2

Will you be prepared for your book club session? - You will also have morning work time to finish this!

Follow the 5 steps to writing your conclusion

Aren't you pleased I'm back!


  1. Mr.Buxton, my parents have said that they have checked the trash and spam folder. They have not seen any email with the power school login information.

  2. Janna, my dad said that even though the parents went, they still get an email. If you didn't get an email, is it possible you are moving next year?

  3. If you are not moving, then maybe they forgot to email your parents.

  4. Hi! Do we need a hard copy of the working draft of our literacy essay for tomorrow?
    Thank you!

  5. mr.buxton, when is our social studies site research project due. Because my parents are out of town and I can't go without them. I would've gone earlier, but i had to help pack the house.

  6. No Tasha. We are working on our essay tomorrow in class.

  7. Karly, the presentations are due on April 30th, next Tuesday.

  8. The presentations are the social studies sites

  9. Mr Buxton, on powerschool the math course has not been changed, what do I do?

  10. Never mind guys. I have already submitted my power school. It turned out to be in the trash folder.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.