
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Reading Responses

Learning Behaviors Grade:  Assessment Day will be FRIDAY
Key behaviors I will be assessing:

  • Organized google drive with short cut links to main files on your bookmarks bar
  • Goodreads added to your blog
  • An up-to-date reading log 
  • A specific reading goal - I will ask you want it is!
  • You have  started  your 3rd book of the year
  • You have demonstrated a positive attitude to class
  • Class library index card and Class Reading Challenge Chart is up to date
The above represents an A student. 

Word Study  Unit 1 Test is next Monday. Use this guide as a study tool.  You should bring a digit or paper copy of this guide to the test on Monday

No official H/W tonight due to M.A.P. - Optional - Begin thinking about your reading responses.
Follow these tips to create an effective reading response: A combination of these ideas would lead to a strong reading response. First official reading response it due by next Friday. - You may turn it in sooner!

You will need your photo of a 'place' you know well for Wednesday's writing class.

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