
Monday, August 12, 2013

The Power of Words

Today, you were introduced to the 'power of words'
Some major take-aways:

  • 'Fail - BIG' - Push yourself 
  • Smash out of that comfort zone!
  • Practice what you are BAD at!

Advisory - Make the phone calls

RLA Class
Read for approx. 30mins and add your page # on the google doc. link from the blog. If for some reason you can not add your page number to the blog, don't worry, we will do it in class.

Please feel free to comment below and add what you feel you learned from today's session!

Tomorrow we start BOOT CAMP for technology - DO NOT forget your Digital Citizenship Agreement. You will not be able to take your computer home until you have turned this in.

Have a nice evening!

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