
Monday, September 23, 2013

Parts of Speech: Review

Recap on our discussions on parts of speech: Which parts of speech of you most concerned about?
If you would like to learn about how to find theme again, here is the video from class

Blog post on your learning so far. (Due tomorrow). This is a short 1-2 paragraph reflection. Make sure you add the label: rla so I can see this post.

Keep up to date with your independent reading.

For Wed.
Come with the 'theme' for your memoir written as a sentence. You should have a rough idea of the anecdotes you plan to use. You do not have to write any of the anecdotes.


  1. Thank You Mr. Buxton for posting the 8 parts of Speech chart!

  2. Do we need to finish the 9 Moments sheet if we didn't in class?

  3. Hello Mr.buxton! (its being long time since I commented your blog. sorry :) ) I really enjoyed the class today and the chart that explains 8 parts of speech was awesome. Have a good day, Mr buxton!!!

    Oh and Kira it is home work and you need to do it until tomorrow if you are not in split class


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.