
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Editing and Redrafting

Use this file link for suggestions on how to edit and redraft some of  the scenes in your memoirs.

Use this file link to organize your edits and redrafts. You must 'drop' this file for me to see

Do you have a slow motion moment in your paper?

Next Week
Be prepared for book clubs by:
  • Coming with a discussion topic/question
  • Coming with a claim about the character(s)
  • Coming with what you believe are the themes of your novel
Your final memory paper will be a .pdf version that includes some images. (I'll show you out to do this next week.) Be thinking about what images ( 2 or 3) you would like to use in your final paper.  You do not necessarily need to use  photos; you can get an image of the web that is symbolic or representative of your message. e.g. a mountain showing resilience You will need these images on Monday 22nd Oct.  (this is now the final submission date.)

Is there anything you would like me to say to your parents about you at conferences?

Have a great break!

Who holds your heart?


  1. I love all of the videos that you put on the blog. They are always fun to watch and I love the deeper thinking that I do after each video.
    Love Life!

  2. I really liked the video about the human heart. Great Videos!

  3. Isn't the 22nd a Tuesday?


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