
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Quote Sandwiches

I am missing Memoirs from these students: Min Jung, Luke, Lukas,  Sam, Olivia G., Chris,  Elena, Alexa. B - Some students handed their work in without names. If your name is here, email me your work again to make sure you get it graded before the break. Check in with me if you do not see your grade in powerschool. - Yes - grades are live!

Kudos to Jackson Reeves who asked to retake his 'Opening and Delayed Adjectives/Adverbs test and moved his grade up to an 'A'

Today's class: Follow this link:

Effective research writers make sure that they explain the quotes that they find using quote sandwiches.


In the 2004 article titled Pushing too Hard  published on the website, Dr. Jordan Metzl  argued that “Kids sports have become much more competitive.”  As a medical director at the of the Sports Medicine Institute for Young Athletes in New York, Metzl must certainly hear about hundreds of cases of sporting injuries caused through excessive practice or over intense training sessions due to the competitive nature of  school sports programs nowadays.

 Writing Reminder: Make sure you have read a minimum of x4 sources and taken notes. Make sure some of your notes contain 'quote sandwiches'. Due: Thursday (G/H class. We will learn about quote sandwiches next week)

What can words do? - Will YOU be for your first debate?

 Book Club presentations: Due Friday

 Ready for your Halloween candy?


  1. Mr. Buxton,
    I found it so cool that you put the whole persuasive technique into a sandwich! That is a great memory hook!

  2. I just love this halloween vid. It really is a great add for a tooth brush/paste company :)

  3. We still have the pickle to add! - We'll do that after the break!

  4. I love the video too! It is HILARIOUS!!

  5. Mr Buxton, my reading group and I were using Sparkol for our presentation this Friday, and were wondering if you knew whether or not you can share a Sparkol with somebody.

    - Marium Ahmed
    - Block EF
    - October 30 - 2013

  6. Marium,
    I don't even know what that it :)
    What you could do is Air Play. That would be the easiest way!

  7. yes - look for the share button.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.