
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Introduction: Reteach

Can you name the different section of this introduction? Could you color code your own piece in the same way?

Nine year old Mary Swanson is excited to return home from school and watch T.V. Sadly, on whichever channel she tunes into she is instantly pummelled with a barrage of commercials promoting toys with fast food products or even advertisements pitching violent video games like Call of Duty. This type of forced indoctrination has to stop. Even though advocates of advertising on T.V. might argue that this bustling industry supports the U.S. economy, a law should still exist that prohibits television commercials that directly target young children.  School aged children are simple too young to make informed decisions about the merits of different products in advertisements. More often than not,  even unhealthy foods and are often manipulated into situations that directly seek to influence children through seemingly innocent advertisements.

C/D & E/F
Tonight your task is to finish writing your counterargument and put into yesterday's file to be graded! (link is in yesterday's post)

Mentor counterargument: Can you see what the different colors represent?

Proponents of the current status quo on advertising argue quite loudly that this industry creates over 10million jobs across the nation.  Their stance is quite logical. Effective advertising leads to profitable  businesses; profitable businesses lead to more jobs, and more jobs lead to  a healthy successful economy. While engaging, their reasoning is categorically flawed. Do  the benefits they state outweigh the pitfalls? The APA estimates that advertisers may spend more than $12 billion per year on ads created to pull in the youth market. Because young children do not understand the actions of advertisers, they will eat the fatty foods without knowing these products could harm them. Therefore in fact, advertising leads to poorer health and poorer health leads to a greater demand on the countries health care system; thus adversely affecting the economy.  The U.S. Healthy Ministry said in 2012 $40 billion dollars in taxpayer money went to fight obesity related illnesses.  The costs simply do not balance out. Clearly,  manipulating, influencing, and persuading students  to eat unhealthy food is wrong.  Advertisements targeting young children has to stop.

Final Rubric: For your reference
C/D & E/F - Final pieces due Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thank you for the re-cap of the Intro and counter argument today. And thank you for posting the rubric.

  2. Look at this mentor text from Sabrina - Can you spot the different parts?

    innocent strangers could be armed with harmful weapons such as guns, and there is nothing stopping them from doing so. As many people may know, the United States’s Second Amendment states that the citizens of America have a right to bear arms. Many gun owners may argue that this is one one of the reasons why they have a right to bear arms, and also because of self defence. What they fail to realize is that a lot of america’s issues could be solved if all types of guns had stricter restrictions. The US government should have stricter regulations to handguns and automatic weapons for the safety of the American citizens. Guns in america should only be for only authorized personnel and government services. Reducing the amount of guns will also reduce the amount of violence, threats,crime and deaths of the civilians in america, which will have positive effect and create a safe life in America.

  3. Full version

    Just a normal day, strolling down the street. Citizens of America walking around just as normal, nothing weird going on. What people don't know is that many of those innocent strangers could be armed with harmful weapons such as guns, and there is nothing stopping them from doing so. As many people may know, the United States’s Second Amendment states that the citizens of America have a right to bear arms. Many gun owners may argue that this is one one of the reasons why they have a right to bear arms, and also because of self defence. What they fail to realize is that a lot of america’s issues could be solved if all types of guns had stricter restrictions. The US government should have stricter regulations to handguns and automatic weapons for the safety of the American citizens. Guns in america should only be for only authorized personnel and government services. Reducing the amount of guns will also reduce the amount of violence, threats,crime and deaths of the civilians in america, which will have positive effect and create a safe life in America.

  4. Just a normal day, strolling down the street. Citizens of America walking around just as normal, nothing weird going on. What people don't know is that many of those innocent strangers could be armed with harmful weapons such as guns, and there is nothing stopping them from doing so.
    As many people may know, the United States’s Second Amendment states that the citizens of America have a right to bear arms. Many gun owners may argue that this is one one of the reasons why they have a right to bear arms, and also because of self defence. -COUNTER ARGUMENT
    What they fail to realize is that a lot of america’s issues could be solved if all types of guns had stricter restrictions. -CLAIM
    The US government should have stricter regulations to handguns and automatic weapons for the safety of the American citizens. 1ST PIECE OF EVIDENCE
    Guns in america should only be for only authorized personnel and government services. Reducing the amount of guns will also reduce the amount of violence, threats,crime and deaths of the civilians in america, which will have positive effect and create a safe life in America. 2ND PIECE OF EVIDENCE

  5. I have a quick question, what is homework for G/H block?

  6. since you are a class behind us I assume putting your intro on the document from yesterday. That is my best guess.

  7. Thank you for today mr. Buxton.
    I am still Struggling a bit, but think have gotten cleaned up.
    What is our membean homework

  8. that meant to say... what did i set Mon?

  9. Ok thank you Mr. Buxton

  10. mr. Buxton, what do you mean on the blog, by categorically flawed.

  11. Oh, now I got it, thanks everyone!

  12. Here is a Video to help everyone moving for the Research based Argument.

  13. That is an awesome video Jessie. I love kid president so so very much!


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.