
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Next Week

Here is a breakdown on what to expect for next week. We have a lot to get through and as always...not a lot of time to do it in!


  • 10 mins Membean
  • 20-30 mins Learning Reflection for Report Card
  • 15-20 mins Independent reading
  • 20 mins   Grammar Script writing

H/W 5mins of membean - 20mins of work on digital project


  • 10 mins Membean
  • 20-30 mins Learning Reflection for Report Card (G/H class only)
  • 30 mins  Digital project work
  • 30 mins  Grammar Script writing (G/H class 55 minutes)

H/W 5mins of Membean - 20mins of work on digital project
G/H class - Finish your grammar script for Thur


  • 10 mins Membean
  • 35 mins  Digital Project work
  • 35 mins  Grammar Script writing

H/W 5mins of Membean - 20mins of work on digital project


  • 10 mins Membean
  • 35 mins  Digital Project filming (C/D & E/F)
  • 35 mins  Grammar Script writing. Performing (G/H class)

H/W Put finishing touching to your scripts
5-10mins optional Membean practice

Friday: Share Day C/D & G/H

  • 20 question Membean Consolidation assessment.
  • Grammar Presentations and Digital Project viewing

Students are welcome to do more work out of school if you choose to do so. Maximize teamwork. You will only have about 40-60mins of total class time to  write your scripts. 


  1. Thank you so much for putting days and times I feel not as stressed out and more organized and planned :)
    Thank you!

  2. Thanks for breaking down the week. it really does help every sunday night.

  3. Wow, it looks as though this week will be pretty busy, and finally we get to continue independent reading during class time.

  4. Thank you so much for planning our this last week, Mr. Buxton. This is going to be super helpful!


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