
Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday's H/W

H/W:  C/D and E/F classes only
  • 15 minutes of Membean (by Wed)
No other official H/W
  • Use tonight to catch up on your independent reading. Remember, by the end of next week, you will need to have your first digital reading response finished (optional)
Enjoy the lyrics from one of your poems from today.

Did you manage to spot any of the contradictory images?

The song is about his desire to avoid pain and brokenheartedness. He doesn't want to be hurt again, so he refuses to make friends, to fall in love, he'll be a hermit. It may sound determined, but by the end of the song it's obvious it's all a lie he tells himself to get through the days. He's alone and it hurts him, but he'll tell himself he likes it that way, hoping it won't hurt so badly. The last two lines explain it; he's not a rock, he's been hurt and has cried, but will pretend not to. The "island never cries" line is possibly the most meaningful part. As he says this, he may as well be crying.

But, he is only fooling himself into thinking he can because every symbol he uses is not permanent. Walls get knocked down. You wake up from sleep. You come out of your mother womb after 9 months. Your memory will always come back. Snow melts. December is only 31 days.


  1. Thank you Mr. Buxton for posting hw!

  2. Thank you for posting the homework. It was not clear in class. Will you be back tomorrow?

  3. At the start of class today, we did 15 minutes of membean, does that count as our 15 minutes by Wed?

  4. No it does not Kira, because that we have to do in class for 15 minutes and at home we could do 5 minutes a day.

  5. no Kira - you need 25mins in total at H/W this week
    15 mon-wed
    10 wed-thur

    thanks for clarifying

  6. Thanks for posting the homework Mr. Buxton, and if we want to are we allowed to edit or add stuff to our paragraph on one of the poems?

  7. yes

    but i am grading them now ... so get there quickly!


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.