
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What makes you... (state your emotion)

Recap: We learned in a Word Choice Grammar unit today about diction and how words often have either a positive or negative connotation.

Ready to write an 'unforgettable' piece of poetry?   :-)

Finish your first poem: DUE: FRI
Step 1 - Identify the strong ideas

Step 2 - Turn those ideas into poetry


  • Think about whose perspective you want to write the poem from
  • Think about the story you want to tell. Is it before, during, or after the event?
  • How will you show your emotions about the topic?

Grading Criteria
1) Your poem in someway tells the story of your article. (literately and/or figuratively)
2) Your poem in someway communicates your feelings about the topic behind your article (literately and/or figuratively)
3) Your poem uses a variety of poetic devices
4) Approx. length 12-20 lines in poetry format
5) You have an effective title that powerfully relates to your poem
6)  Strong diction is used throughout the poem (Words like 'IS, ARE, WAS, & Pronouns are mostly avoided)

In class in Friday, you will write a brief explanation about the 'poetic choices' you made when writing your poem. e.g. I used this title because...

Make sure you have the first three slides of your poetry portfolio created like the example


  1. Thank you for posting the steps and guidlines! I think that today was a big mind opener for poetry.

  2. Thank you Mr. Buxton for allowing us to pick our own article. I feel as though, having read it the night before I understood it a lot better. As well Thank you for posting the guide lines to the poetry.

    How much Membean do we have to do by tomorrow or Friday?

  3. Can articles have mistakes in them?

  4. approx 15 mins.


    you're welcome

    +1 to you both

  5. This lesson was...interesting. I didn't know that you could turn LITERALLY everything into poetry, I thought it was a figure of speech!

  6. And, thank you for todays lesson! Jordan was right, it was a mind opener.

  7. it's actually called..turning 'prose' (literal language) into poetry!

    +1 Jackson for contributing

  8. Thank you Mr.Buxton for teaching us about diction, because generally when Im writing poetry I try to create emotion using figurative language like smilies or personification. But now, just by using the exact or right words, I can create or focus on the emotion, creating either positive or negative connotation.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.