
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Close Reading Protocol

Use this link to copy/paste today's lesson into your own template: Close Reading

Use your close reading protocol to examine 'author's craft'

Close Reading Protocol
1) Find a piece of text that you think might be significant
2) Read it
3) Read it a second and noticing specifically what stands out in the text.
4) Look for patterns
    e.g. Which details/words fit together?
    e.g. How do these details/words fit together?
    e.g. how are the details different or similar?
    e.g. Does anything seem unusual?
5) Make a statement about craft

If you use this protocol against any section or text that you think is significant - you can truly delve deep into author's craft!

Remember: Levels of Thinking about Text
Level 1 - Prediction/Inference
Level 2 - Interpretation
Level 3 - How structure of text impacts meaning
Level 4 - Commenting on author's craft moves

Hey, if you examined everything a little closer, you might be surprised at what you find!


  1. My Homebase - don't forget to wear RED

  2. Thanks Mr. Buxton :)
    I tried the reading deeper with a song and it was really cool! I found out lots more just about these 'simple' lyrics I have been singing!

  3. Im just curious, what song was it Jordan and Jessie?

  4. I did Red by Taylor Swift

  5. Cool, I choose the song "The Monster" by Eminem ft. Rhianna.

  6. Just the Way You Are
    Count On Me
    Runaway Baby

    All by Bruno Mars

  7. Is the i-Learn slideshow due on friday for even the G/H class?


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