
Friday, February 7, 2014

Weekly Reflections

Book Club Reflections:
Key questions to be bringing to your next discussions

  • What do we think the social issues are in the story so far?
  • How are the characters dealing with these issues?
  • What are  the social norms - status quo - of this setting/time/place?
  • What do we need to pay attention to?
  • Is anything being foreshadowed?
Keep your 'thinking about reading' file up to date; therefore, you will not need to do much additional thinking when it is time to write your next reading response.

Next Week
RF Short scene writing. (Due: Mon)
Grammar: Online practice from Sentence Clauses Unit: (Due: Mon)
Next Book club discussion (Due: Tue)
Are there any lines in your story that sound like, "quotes to live life by?" - Make a note of them!

New Learning
Further practice with compound sentences and compound sentences using conjunctive adverbs (+1 if you can see where I used a a conj. adv compound sentence in this post)


  1. Keep your 'thinking about reading' file up to date; therefore, you will not need to do much additional thinking when it is time to write your next reading response.

    This is where you used a compound sentence with a conjunctive adverb.

  2. That is it Reehan!
    I can see myself improving on my membean tests! Our book club discussion was off topic today but I also think that it made the discussion deeper. I think that my group has helped me look at this story in a different way.

    If you haven't read The Fault in Our Stars go read it right now! It is AMAZING!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Keep your 'thinking about reading' file up to date; therefore, you will not need to do much additional thinking when it is time to write your next reading response.

    This is where you wrote a compound sentence. :)


  5. Keep your 'thinking about reading' file up to date; therefore, you will not need to do much additional thinking when it is time to write your next reading response.

    Found it
    How long does our scene have to be?

  6. The seen we started writing in class right?

  7. 'Keep your 'thinking about reading' file up to date; therefore, you will not need to do much additional thinking when it is time to write your next reading response.' This sentence contains the conjunctive adverb compound sentence, so hopefully I've earned a plus point! :P

    Kira McCorry

  8. +1 to all of you who spotted it....

    Now .. why is this so?

    Guess you are ready to learn next week!

  9. what's the online grammar practice?

  10. It was on the previous blog.. you have to do them and then take a screen shot Kira


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