
Friday, March 7, 2014

So far from the sea...

Lesson Recap:
Notice how the author used the setting in the picture book today to create the sense of desperation, isolation, and abandonment

Background Information
What do you think is wrong with this clip?

All Classes
Check yesterday's post so you are clear on the H/W for Monday (+1 What mistake did I make above?)

For my Homebase: You are what you eat...Part 1

As always, question the source and any possible bias before believing everything you see. Although, this video should make you think a little!


  1. Today was a really cool lesson. The story we talked about was extremely symbolic especially the silk roses.
    Thank you for helping me with my Membean today.

  2. There is no comma in Check yesterday's post so you are clear on the H/W for Monday

  3. In the video it says none of them were sure what Japanese where 'aliens' or innocents so they where all moved. That's not fair at all. ONe it i rude to call them aliens and 2 they moved everybody because they didn't know which ones were innocent.

  4. You forgot to write a comma in the sentence, 'Check yesterday's post so you are clear on the H/W for Monday'. There should be a comma to make it a correctly written compound sentence.


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