
Monday, March 10, 2014

Grammar Unit: Sentence Clauses

Grammar Class Recap.
This is an abbreviated copy of everything you should understand about our clauses unit.
H/W Grammar - All Classes
Your task
  • Devise a system/process/technique/memory hook to help you remember what we have studied in our sentence clauses unit. You can focus on small aspects of the unit. e.g. Compound sentences or The entire unit. 
  • You system should contain explanations of  the sentence structures e.g. clauses are another name for sentences and also examples of these structures e.g. the boy is big; therefore, he wins most fights. 
  • You may work individually, pairs, or groups of three.
Grading Criteria
1) Your creativity - Have you devised a unique way to remember the grammar?
2) Functionality - Does the system/process technique you created work? e.g. Can you remember the grammar?
3) Accuracy - Are the grammar skills  and examples correct that you use?
4) Content - Does your system cover a wide variety of the grammar?
5) Presentation - How well do you present your idea? e.g. media, drawing, music, literature?

Due: Friday (You will have 20minutes of class time to work on this on Wednesday)

Writing Class Recap
We studied ways that we could bring our characters to life. 

H/W All Classes
You should have a minimum of 3 pages of your story written by Wednesday. By the end of Friday's class, you should have between 4-5 pages written.

New due date: Thursday 20th March (This is our last writing class before Spring Break)


  1. How much Membean this week?

  2. I really like the idea of we basically sum up what we have learned in our grammar unit. Also I really like the character lesson today. I feel like I have learnt so much more about my character.

  3. pleased you are pleased. Can't wait to see how you will change the world!

    50 (30 in class)

  4. How Much Membean should we do this week?

  5. 50 Minutes Asia
    30 minutes in class
    I am excited to Mr. Buxton!

  6. 50 min. Asia; 30 in class


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