
Monday, March 31, 2014

Reading Goal: 40 Books

Reading Classes
How are you progressing toward the target goal of 40 books this year? I know some people have already surpassed this goal. Make sure you are keeping your chart up to date with the books you have read, so that your reading stamina can be fairly assessed. Most of you should have completed approx. 30 books so far this year.

H/W: All classes (Due Tuesday)
You will need to bring in an image for tomorrow's classes about an event/news item/topic that you would like to do more research on. e.g. Missing Malaysia airline (you cannot choose this topic)
You will use this image to write a poem. So DO NOT FORGET!

This is a great site to use to get ideas for your Research topic. sign up for an account.  New Articles and Research Topics. Use this class code when asked: KZMAC

This site also has good ideas for topics

Membean: 25 mins for Friday (10 in school)


  1. Today was really cool. The poets taught me a lot and I just thought it was really cool. :)

  2. With the picture needed for tomorrow, do we need 2 just in case or just 1?
    I am so nervous for my grade on the RF stories. The ones I read were very good.
    When should we have our RR done by?

  3. Sorry My Fault I meant April 11th

  4. I thought it was the 7, well I will trust you. More time to work on it. YES

  5. Does the image have to printed Mr Buxton?

  6. I don't think so Aryaman.

  7. I printed the image but I think if you have one you will be fine but I don't exactly know

  8. Hi there - I'm an English teacher in Los Angeles. I have my own website and am looking for exemplary samples to share with my staff and to explore myself. Is there a way for you to allow me access to your blog? Is there a code I can put in? Because a lot of the files I'm trying to view are disabled.

    My website is
    I leave it public for teachers to share. Feel free :)

  9. my email is by the way


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.