
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

RF Story

Pop Quiz -Use this link to take the next pop quiz. Before you start the quiz, discuss the answers to these 5 questions below with your partner. These will help you. A LOT!

Decide whether the first 5 questions are  
(A) Simple,  (B) Compound, or  (C) Complex (D) Contains an error

1. Since last Saturday, my sister has helped me with my project.
(A) Simple,  (B) Compound, or  (C) Complex (D) Contains an error

2. Math is very challenging but grammar classes are easy.
(A) Simple,  (B) Compound, or  (C) Complex (D) Contains an error

3. We learn some lessons in the classroom and others in the dorm.
(A) Simple,  (B) Compound, or  (C) Complex (D) Contains an error

4. Like all people, however, teachers make mistakes.
(A) Simple,  (B) Compound, or  (C) Complex (D) Contains an error

5. She is coming to the party, although she might be late.
(A) Simple,  (B) Compound, or  (C) Complex (D) Contains an error
This video helps you understand the differences between phrases and clauses. We will do naby classes on phrases (sentence tools). For now you just need to know when why something that 'looks like a dependent clause - e.g. After the party - is really just a phrase (sentence tool)

Use these files to drop your story for RF. I will be checking on your progress frequently to make sure you are progressing at an appropriate speed.

C/D Class Stories
E/F Class: Stories
G/H Class: Stories

Due Date for these stories: Wed 19th March - Add this to your calendars

All Classes 
H/W Finish at least one scene on you RF story by Thur

C/D and E/F
Do not forget your Membean and archetype work for tomorrow.
You will have your first book club discussion tomorrow.

The RF rubric is below- Link is also on left of blog. 
RF Rubric link 


  1. Thank you for the RF rubric. The help that I had today on my story was lots of help, thank you! The grammar pop quiz really helped me see where I am and what I need to work on.

  2. How long do our scenes have to be?
    How long for membean do we have to have done by tomorrow?

  3. It is by Friday Jessie- 45 mins
    Approximatly half a page

  4. I don't know what he was talking about when he said membean by tomorrow.

  5. How many minutes should we be on by now?
    What are you on Jordan?

  6. I am on about 37 minutes.

  7. 45 by fri.
    approx 1/2 page.

    The membean was just a reminder. A little bit each day.

    So what is the difference between phrases and clauses?

  8. A phrase doesn't have both a subject and a verb,however, a clause has both a subject and a verb.

  9. Mr. Buxton,

    You had said today in class, that this was due on March 15th, but on the blog you wrote March 19th. Which of these dates is it due?

  10. I would assume the blog...

  11. 19th March - Wed. before Spring Break


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.