
Friday, April 25, 2014

Effective Research

How do you conduct effective research?
C/D Class Answers
E/F Class Answers
G/H Class Answers

All Classes: (Due: Next Tuesday)
H/W: You must have at least 3 different sources for your research topic for next Tuesday's class.
One of them must be a book or magazine.  Websites count as one source. Online encyclopaedias, principles of authority is each a different source.  Interviews or observations from videos are both different sources.
- In all likelihood, this means that you will need to go to the library some time between now and  next Tuesday.

SAS Databases:  (Get passwords from your teacher)

You may ask your parents for advice/suggestions on how what sources to use for your research.

You will need a pinterest account where your sources are all collected by next Thur


  1. Can someone please explain the homework for watching a family member again. I am a bit confused.

  2. You just need to be observant to word choice a family member uses and write down any words or phrases that stand out to you the most or are constantly repeated. After you have a collection of 20-30 words and phrases, you then look for patterns and draw a conclusion about their word choice. You might be surprised about what you find.

  3. You just need to be observant to word choice a family member uses and write down any words or phrases that stand out to you the most or are constantly repeated. After you have a collection of 20-30 words and phrases, you then look for patterns and draw a conclusion about their word choice. You might be surprised about what you find.

  4. With the family member thing I found it really and the things they say reflects who they are.
    (That better Mr. Buxton :)


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