
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Research Plan

All Classes:  Research Plan Presentation
You will have to 'apply' for a research grant from the world renowned Ruxton University of Boston for  funding to complete your doctorate dissertation. This application will be a short presentation to the head of the university, Dr. Ruxton. The presentation will be an outline of your research plan. The plan must include:
a) An explanation of the main topic and subtopics you plan to research 
b) The principals of authority you plan to use in their research
c) The list of the main sources you plan to use for your research 
d) An explanation of why the sources they have selected in section c) are credible 

The presentation format is a short speech 1:1 to Dr. Ruxton in Friday's class. (Grant applicants-the students- may present their  research plan as a youtube video if they choose.) - Due Frida

Reading Classes
Reminders: Membean and Blogposts (see earlier posts for details)


  1. This will be a good guideline for my research and it was so interesting today to discover if my sources were good or not.

  2. You forgot the Y at the end of Friday.

  3. b) The principals of authority you plan to use in their research

    What did you mean by this?

  4. What are the principles of authority??

  5. principal- typo not principle ( that is the person who runs a school) ouch... bad teacher!

    nice catch!


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.