
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Speaking in Public: Poetry

Make sure you use your PIPES effectively to deliver your poems tomorrow
H/W All Classes (Due: Fri)
Make sure you have your poem effectively prepared to deliver to your audiences tomorrow.  You may have more than one poem ready to share if you choose to do so. 
Make sure you have dropped your Poetry Portfolio link in the correct class file below.
The two poems you wrote for this week should appear in your slideshow
E/F Class  Poetry Portfolio

C/D Class: You have until Friday to go and collect your personal KOBOS -So far only 7 people have signed up. After Friday, the Kobos will be offered to the E/F class on the FCFS basis.


  1. The poets were EXTREMELY helpful today. I learned so much, and I didn't even think reciting poetry was that big. It is really cool though.

  2. We can use a different poem that we didn't write this week to bring tomorrow right?
    And do we need our computers for RLA tomorrow?

  3. Mr Buxton, the poetry portfolio file for G/H is private.

  4. Do we have to memorise the whole poem for tomorrow?

  5. Jessie-
    I would say bring a printed copy just in case you forget part of it, but try to memorize your poem.

  6. Mr.Buxton, the G/H file is private.

  7. My apologies G/H. Your file is 'open' now!


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.