
Monday, May 5, 2014

H/W Reading Classes
Membean - 45mintues this week. (30 at home)

You should be finished with your NF note-taking by Wednesday.   Think about what text structure graphic organizers you will use to structure your notes.


  1. Today I basically organized my information into My Text Structure, and it really helped me organize my ideas. (Did I punctuate that right Mr. Buxton?)

  2. Hopefully Jordan ;). I think you did.

    Today was so cool with how we could organise our notes that way.

  3. +1 jordan.. yeepeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    oh wait - today needs a comma as it is a tool!!!

  4. Today, I basically organized my information into My Text Structure, and it really helped me organize my ideas


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