
Thursday, May 22, 2014

My Reading Life

Reading and Writing Reflection: What can you do now as a reader that you couldn't at the start of the year?  My Reading Life

Reading Units Covered this year

Launching the Reader's Workshop
Thinking Critically About Characters
Nonfiction Research Across Text Sets
How to Eat a Poem
Social Issues Book Clubs
Notice and Note

Other topics: Anchor Charts
Reading Responses
Book Clubs
Close Reading
Writing Claims

Writing Classes
Feature Article:
1) Download your Feature Article as a pdf. Then upload your FA into either of the software below.
2) You must use or to embed a copy of your FA into your blog. (Save your piece as a pdf and then upload.)
3) Put your video of your craft moves onto your blog.
4) Drop a PDF version of your file into the RLA drop folder.

 $3 for every class book you return from home tomorrow. (keep what you are still reading until Mon 2nd June!)


  1. It was so cool going through the blog, and looking at everything we've done.

  2. Mr.Buxton did you make the 'home' video?

  3. Do we have any homework assigned? Also, when is our final grammar project due?

  4. I don't know how to explain this feeling, but it feels like when you watch the movie till end, and feel this emotional (confusion?) or something. I felt it view all the blog post.... Another great memory!

    I have question:
    Q: Mr.Buxton. Are you going to be 8th grade teacher?

  5. No he is no Inyong


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.