
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Writing Sophisticated NF Claims

Homebase Info
Devon your turn to share your passions. Kira & Min Jung, you can go tomorrow if you would like to.

Lesson Recap
Use this link for your article: Writing Sophisticated Claims

Notice the progression below of a simple claim (that discusses observations and patterns) and a more sophisticated claim (that discusses the purpose of the patterns or the text in a wider context).
Look at these pieces from Jen and David that move their thinking to the wider context

Reading Classes
H/W Membean 50 mins (30 in class)
Most people have not selected an article for themselves for  Friday's in class summative NF reading assessment. Therefore, you will use this article: Read, Kids Read. You are welcome to prepare notes on the article and bring them to class.  Your video commercials are due on FRIDAY. Place them on your blog when finished with the script below. Color code your use of the phrases

Writing Classes
Reminder: The Phrases Grammar test is moved to Monday - Use the links to practice
G/H Class - Your videos are due on your blog by Monday. Place them on your blog when finished with the script belowColor code your use of the phrases

Think Creatively - Hopefully this video will help inspire you to come out with good ideas for  your video. Thanks Ethan for sharing.


  1. Mr. Buxton, What is the video on? I wasn't there so I missed a little.

  2. Wait, never mind. I found it! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Don't hesitate to ask anymore questions.

    To include absolutes effectively, you will need to make sure your initial sentence is descriptive. To include appositives, you will need plenty of nouns.

  5. TOday's lesson taught me firm about claims. I totally get them now and I feel pretty confident about them!

  6. Hey Mr. Buxton, how long does our draft has to be and when is it due?

  7. 2 sides - same length as the mentor feature articles we have been using. Next Fri completely finished, but you should have completely written it by next Monday - rest of the week will be editing.

  8. Yes compound sentence error.

  9. Are we still aloud to bring in our own article for the reading response?


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.