
Friday, August 15, 2014

Recap: The First Two Days

"The smartest person in the room"

Today, we discussed many of the characteristics of effective collaboration:

  • Asking questions to encourage participation
  • Using research to help decision making
  • Dividing up tasks based on people's strengths
  • Spending quality time on planning
  • Servant leader - Leading from behind
  • Being an 'upstander' (getting actively involved) not a 'bystander'

Now...Can you carry these ideas into your Math, Science, Social Studies group work projects?

The Friday Message
Will you give up when it gets tough, or will you show patience and perseverance? Win +1 for leaving a comment!


  1. This video's the perfect metaphor that shows the importance of persevering. With perseverance, you'll need to struggle and try multiple times, but in the end, you'll climb to the top - even if you start low.

    -Sajid F.

  2. This video really shows that even when things get tough, you have to keep trying. It also shows that with perseverance and patience, you can achieve anything.


  3. You have to try hard and you can do anything.
    Look at the little ducklings (?), everyone made it to the top and its all because everyone tried their best to climb the stairs.
    I think that the stairs is a metaphor of the things that are in our way at life, because sometimes things get really tough, and that stair may just turn into a test, bullies, or anxiety of not being on top of the social pyramid.
    With perseverance you can do anything, and you can overcome all of those stairs and reach your goal.
    Zhirou G.

  4. this is a great video it shows that in order to achieve your goal you have to never give up and eventually you will succeed. I think this video is a message to everyone that no matter how hard things get in life don't just walk away from something because its to hard just try and try again until you succeed.

  5. This video shows us no matter how hard things get we must try until we succeed. You might fail many times but that should motivate u to try harder. Never give up.


  6. +1 for your comments.

    +2 Zhirou for mentioning the literary device used ' metaphor'

  7. This video was an example of patience and perseverance, because even though the birds kept on falling down, they kept on trying. Not only was it a example of preserving, but also it was kind of an example of having a growth mindset.


  8. This video shows that even if you are the last one to do something you eventually can do it.

  9. This is a great video that shows that you need to persevere even when it gets tough. And that no matter what you should never give up.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The video shows that even though things might be hard, the only way to do it is to succeed. I think the stairs symbolise all the obstacles that we will face, and if we keep on going at it we will finally succeed. However, the mother duck at the top didn't really help the ducklings, which meant that the mother duck might not be such a great leader.

  12. Maybe the mother duck helped the ducklings by taking them to the stairs and giving them the challenge in the first place? Maybe the mother duck still hung around as support but helped them by teaching the ducks to help themselves? Maybe!

  13. Really at first this video seems like a bunch of cute ducklings that keep trying and trying to get to the top and to their destination, which is their mother. But I think this can be brought into really any situation. Here is a short anecdote that I think relates to this. When I was in 2nd grade, I was pretty much slowest and weakest person in the grade. I decided that I really didn't want it to be like that, and with perseverance and patience, I slowly got better and better at running and sit ups and the like. This persistence finally paid off when in 5th grade I ended 4th out 30 in the mile run. This just shows that you can really do amazing things with perseverance.

  14. This video shows how important trying again is, because eventually, if you don't give up you are gonna make it, just like those baby ducks It also shows the importance of patience, because if you really care about someone, you won't leave them behind, you'll wait for them at the top and stick together, just like the mother duck.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This video shows that if you keep on trying, you can finally make it. Nothing in the world is impossible. If you try your best, one day you can get to the top of the stairs, and be the first one their.

  17. Sorry, I meant "there"

  18. I loved how the video connected to the quote above. The little ducklings showed perseverance, because when they fell down, they got back up and kept trying. I think the ducklings had a growth mindset, because they needed to find a way to get up. They didn't fall down and leave because they couldn't get up on their first try!

    -Taya :)

  19. I loved how this simple video of little ducks perservering can encourage and motivate us to always keep pushing and never give up. I also think that the stairs for them is a symbol for the all the problems in our life.

  20. Never give up. This video shows that the more perseverance, the closer that you come to achieving your goal, which is what the baby ducks did. But overall, never give up!

  21. I think this video shows that if you keep trying and learn from your mistakes you can achieve anything

  22. I think that this video really shows that just because you don't make it the first time, that doesn't mean that you won't succeed if you keep on trying, because that's how life really is. There isn't an intersection where there are two paths and one of them leads to success and the other to failure. There really is, (in my opinion) one way which is to fail to succeed. Yes you may make it in one of your first tries like one of the ducklings but that's quite unlikely. The majority of us will be like the rest of the ducklings, we won't get it at once. But with perseverance and will I think that we all have the strength to eventually get there.

    -Regina B.

  23. This is exactly what you said to your classes in the beginning of the year. "You are going to fail," and by failing and pushing yourself to your limits you get better than you ever could possibly be. The Mother duck really pushed her ducklings, being the teacher in this situation and the ducklings are the students. And like a normal class students will lag behind, but at the end of the day they all make it to the top of the stairs and see what they have accomplished.

  24. +1 For your comments. Clearly, I can see we have some deep, reflective students that have opinions and lots to say. I am looking forward to this year!!!

  25. This video definitely represents perseverance and the philosophy of NEVER GIVING UP. I think the fact that the mother duck watched over her ducklings but didn't do anything wasn't helping them in the short run, but more in the long run. As they made it to the top of the stairs, they probably realized how much that "climb" helped them. I definitely want to become one of those little ducklings.

  26. This video clearly states that perseverance and patience are the keys to success. For example, the ducklings kept falling each time they attempted to go up one step; however, they kept trying until they all reached the top of the stairs and met their mother who was patiently waiting for them. I also think that its a good thing that their mother didn't help them get up because I believe she's trying to push them so that at the end, they will realise that if you persevere through obstacles, you will make it and reach your goal.

  27. This video really shows how if you persevere, and are patient, you can do almost anything, even if it was really hard at first!

  28. I think that this video shows a metaphor that even animals like ducks will persevere and show an unyielding determination to achieve their goals. I believe that if we copy the ducks' determination we can achieve anything.

  29. I think that these birds showed much perseverance and patients try to get to their mother. I believe that with perseverance you can achieve anything that you strive for.

  30. This video clearly sums up that if things are hard, you have to keep on persevering. With the will to perseverance, you can achieve your goal, even if things seem impossible.


  31. I think that we have to be like the ducklings and keep trying our best and not give up until we reach our goal. None of the ducklings gave up, so we shouldn't give up too!

  32. This video shows that you should never give up and should keep trying until you succeed.

    The ducklings showed a lot of perseverance. Even though they fell down the stairs several times, they did not give up and kept trying until they successfully reached the top.


  33. This video shows that whatever stands in your way can be overcome by trying again and again.
    The ducklings managed to climb the stairs with perseverance and you always have to have patience for others who are trying their best like the mummy duck waits for every single one of her ducklings to succeed.

    So, Mr.Buxton please wait for me when I am slow.

  34. The video showed that you should never give up even if you failed the first time. It also shows that you should patience.

  35. This video is about a team of little ducks and that they are all trying ot get onto the top and they are being a team and sticking together.

  36. This video shows that life can get hard but to always push on because if you do you will always succeed.


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