
Monday, August 25, 2014

Rituals and Habits...

Lesson Recap,

"Our thoughts become words, our words become actions, our actions become habits and our habits become our character..."

 H/W - Due Tue (From last week)
(Rubric is in the slideshow from last week)
  • Finish your TCK poem 
  • Finish your first writing piece (look at last week's posts for further details on these tasks.
  • At the end of your writing piece write a sentence(s) saying: What you want me to learn about you through the piece and what structures you have used in your piece. 
  • READ

Example: Look at this piece from Maeve.  (click image to enlarge) Notice:
1) Length
2) She is clearly showing that she has learned something about herself 
3) She is clearly saying why this learning is important

 For Interest: Proven habits of successful students

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