
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

"There are just some things I won't let slide..."

What are your CORE values?

Standing for what you believe in...

H/W: All classes.  Finish your podcast that identifies what your core values are and what you, "...won't let slide...": DUE FRI - Insert your video in your slideshow. See me or a friend if you need tech help on this before Friday's class. (I will give you 15mins in class on Thur to work on this activity - G/H class - you guys had 20mins more than the other classes; therefore, you will not have class time Friday.)

Talk about 3 or 4 of your top core values.
Talk about 1 or 2 values that you would like to improve
Minimum x4 core values - Max x6 core values

For each core value you might decide to talk about a combination of:

  • Use a quote associated with the core value
  • Define the core value
  • Give one or two reasons why this value is important to you
  • Talk about situations where you have seen this core value happening in your life
  • Talk about what would happen if everybody did or didn't follow this core value
  • You own ideas

Extra Help! - Ask your parents to talk about their core values and why they are important. This might help you generate more ideas.
 Example of final product (yours will be a little longer)  2mins-4mins
Movie on 20-8-14 at 9.47 am from Russell Buxton on Vimeo.


  1. Hi Mr. Buxton,

    Do you think you can write down the parts of each value you want us to talk about in our podcast and an example of your parts? (Explanation, quotes, examples etc.)

  2. Ok, I'm not sure if you just put the rest up or if I was blind and never saw it so if I WAS blind please ignore the first comment. - Claire

  3. 1.Use a quote associated with the core value
    2.Define the core value
    3.Give one or two reasons why this value is important to you
    4.Talk about situations where you have seen this core value happening in your life
    5.Talk about what would happen if everybody did or didn't follow this core value
    6.You own ideas


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.