
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Submitting Work

Effective writers create LEADS that ground the writer in time and place and give a hint to the theme, issue, or conflict.

 For Class

You will drop your working drafts in the files below after you have 'shared' the doc with me and made it 'editable' for me.

C/D class: Identity Portfolio: Final Draft
E/F class: Identity Portfolio: Final Draft
G/H class: Identity Portfolio: Final Draft

Student sample: This is a powerful lead that using the metaphor technique, but also hints at the theme for the piece. Well done Beatrice and Joaquin

A watermelon. I know that sounds funny, but i’m a watermelon. Outside, theres a hard shell, that keeps the world away, but inside, i'm a different nationality. Although a watermelon seems strong, the peel is easy to crack. Its red and green, and has that thin layer of white showing. A watermelon, smashed into a million little pieces. The colors- representing every part of me. The outside, the part that people see, the side that people judge. The inside, where my feelings are hidden, and where the seeds grow into something bigger. Finally, the little thin layer of white where my confusions begin, where my thoughts become actions.

My family and friends are so difficult to handle. They want me to be the sports star, the straight-A student, the most popular friend, the one who knows all the answers. They want me to be just like them: the same personality, the same mind, the same goals and the same hobbies.  They want me to be a reflection of them, the person on the other side of the mirror. But who am I, the person crouched up in the darkness, behind the mirror of perfection?

For H/W
You should have at least 3 paragraphs written for your final piece by Thursday's class.  All writing now for this final piece should appear in the files above.
Support: I am available for extra support with your project from 7:35am to 8:00am, during lunch, and after school Thur and Fri.

Official Date for Parts of Speech test has been pushed to Tuesday 23rd Sept (due to M.A.P. make ups)
You will be assessed on:
Can you name the 8 parts of speech
Can you classify words into the different parts of speech.
Can you label the parts of speech in a sentence

To show mastery (Grade A) on 'parts of speech' you will need to be able to:

  • Identify 'adverb' parts of speech that DO NOT end in -ly
  • Classify at least 16 words that you have written into parts of speech
  • Know when a word is being used in a sentence as an adjective or a noun
  • e.g. We traveled to Spain's capital.  (What part of speech in Spain's?)
  • Know the parts of speech of some more challenging words e.g. is, everyone, this, those, never


  1. “Who are you?”
    It’s a question so important and asked so frequently that it’s almost a mistake to answer wrong.
    “I’m Sajid Farook. I’m twelve years old, and attend the seventh grade of Singapore American School,” I’d always say. Surely, that’s my identity. It’s what we all say, every single time.
    But I believe I’m more than my title. I’m more than my school and grade. Who am I really, I ask myself. I’m a factory, that’s who I am.

    - My lead

  2. Mr. Buxton, or anyone else who reads this, I'm trying to complete my worksheet and I'm wondering what you mean by 'Context' and what you want me to put in it. I bet you said already but I forgot and need to be reminded. Also can anyone think of a metaphor to do with artsy, interesting, outgoing, cultural stuff?

  3. Sajid - the question opening is VERY basic and overused - Stretch yourself :-)

    Artsy could be a 'painter's palette, a flower bed

    a canvas, brush strokes etc....

    context is giving background to your situation

    e.g. If you were writing about being French - context might begin talking a little about France as a country, stereotypical views, habits and customs before you talk about how you fit. +1 for seeking clarification

  4. I'd like to make some emphasis on deeper theme on what your identity is really all about. Could I use a lead with a question in an "un-overused" manner? (ex. an anecdote of when I was once asked that question and then compare/contrast on how my view on 'identity' has changed from back then to now).

    I was also wondering if I could deliver my project through a speech (something like the ones in TED talk) so I could make it more meaningful and interesting to the audience at the same time. It's also something that I have some passion in, so I'd be helpful to know if I could do that or not.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I am like a crystal or a rock attached to the mountains of Switzerland. I look rough and tough, but nobody knows whats on the inside until you get to know me, to see whats hidden. You can never really know every facet of the hidden shining crystal in me. Even I have not discovered every hidden gem in me as I learn more and more about myself every day.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.