
Monday, September 8, 2014

"Walking the Talk"

H/W:  YOU choose how to spend your time!
This week you need to plan your time effectively so that you meet the first major deadline for having your identity piece turned in. (Sept 15th) Assessment instructions are in last week's post on the blog.  Make sure you focus on the 'do' part of the planning!

My Expectation:  You will be close to finishing your planning sheet BEFORE Wednesday's class

Are you studying your 'parts of speech?'  Test coming at the end of this week.

Are you keeping your reading log up to date and continuing with 20-30mins min. of independent reading.

Coming this Week

  • M.A.P. testing
  • More 'parts of speech' practice
  • Reading log assessment
  • Independent time to work on your identity project

"Failing to plan is planning to fail" anon.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.