
Monday, November 3, 2014

All work not turned in on time or redo's needs to go to the 'resubmitted work' file on the right of the blog. This is the only way I can keep track of work to grade as I get over 50 emails every day!

H/W C/D and E/F classes

  • You should complete a minimum of 25mins of Membean practice by Fri.  Any words you scored WRONG on your Membean test must be added to your quizlet file.
  • If you have not read your 'suspense story' out in class - or if you do not plan to do so tomorrow, you must make sure that you have it on your blog by tomorrow (Tue)
  • Just read

No other H/W due to Music performances

Tomorrow - we began writing arguments. What 'argument' craft moves do you know?

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