
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Note Taking Strategies

For Today

Cornell notes: 

Partner 1 “Pushing too hard, too young”  or 

Partner 2“Are high school sports good for kids?

Chating Notes
“Autistic boy becomes basketball hero”
H/W - You need to spend 15-20mins on 'charting' your two sources by FRI. (Formative assessment on your note taking on this.)
Additional TIPS
1) Don't write facts - right conclusions based on the facts
e.g. 70% of kids get injured during competition sport - NO
e.g. Competitive sport is more dangerous that it seems b/c 70% of kids get injured - YES

2) Use Color - The mind remembers color!
Questions in read
Definitions in blue
Conclusions in green

3) Box new vocabulary or domain specific language

You learned a couple of strategies that you can take with you all the way through to university level. Taking notes in these formats really makes you think about the information as you are reading. Recap video for Cornell notes.

  •  Do not forget your $1 for tomorrow's class! and an 'idea' to for a persuasive argument that you are passionate about. 
  • Are you keeping up to date with your Membean?


  1. Mr Buxton, I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to put this - but in the post you put "Don't write facts - right conclusions based on the facts" and I believe the 'right' is supposed to be 'write'. Just letting you know.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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