
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Turkey Day

End of Unit: Parallel Structure Test

What does an straight 'As' Research argument look like? - Check these pieces for reference
Nikhil Joaquin, Michal Sajid,  Carissa Mansi Maeve (listen to her journalist voice in the piece) Talia
Sara (taking pride in presenting her final draft)

Are you 'truly' willing to step outside your comfort zone?

Thanksgiving Dinner Family Toast - Become a legend in your family by toasting your family just after the main course is ended. Be sincere and give real examples, situations, and elaborations to support your comments using your persuasive strategies. Your family will be amazed and very proud. Use your PIPES to deliver a powerful speech. Maybe use some of your persuasive craft moves to amaze your audience. Your parents will be 'totally' in awe! -

When thinking about how much we all have to be thankful for, keep Addie in your thoughts. The teachers received this update from Addie's dad recently. I have been given permission to share this with you. There is something so powerful about Addie's actions that show what true character is all about. I think Addie can teach us all something about what it truly means to be thankful.

This week is an interesting one for our family. It's a time to give thanks when it is easy to find things to complain about. SAS and this community have replaced my tears with a collective attitude of gratitude. In the past few weeks our family has received countless blessings. The fundraising was an incredible success and I'm so very grateful, but I'm even more grateful for the happiness the support has brought to Addison. The pictures from "Team Addie Tuesday" were simply amazing and inspired Addison. She was discharged last week to spend some time at home before her third round of chemo was scheduled to begin. Although she was restricted on where she could go, she loved being out of the hospital. She told me that so many people were doing so much for her that she wanted to do something for others. She spent a couple evenings visiting the homes of people in need. She told me of a wonderful visit with a mother recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She told me of an emotional visit with a woman whose sister passed away unexpectedly from a brain aneurysm. She told me of visits to children. She said that it felt so good to support others in their time of need just as SAS has been supporting us. You have taught a vital life lesson to a 12 year old and her parents. This new life lesson reminds me to stop my "pursuit of happiness", and just be happy.

Addie is doing well. She continues to have more good days than bad. Our cup is half full.  As mentioned, she was discharged early last week. She was scheduled to begin round three on Nov 20th. Unfortunately, with no immune system, she contracted something and after two ER visits she was re-admitted. Things are back under control and they will be testing her early this week with the hope of beginning round three just before Thanksgiving Day. Her attitude remains positive. She misses her friends, brothers, teachers, dance, and normal 12 year old life, but she is aware of the blessings she is receiving. She is no longer "scared" of the effects of the chemo. Each treatment is the same so she is able to prepare in advance for the bad days that come on schedule. We are returning to Salt Lake City to spend the Holiday break as a family. Holden's first item on his Christmas list is a "Healthy Addie" and we are optimistic that Santa will deliver. Thank you again for your continued support. We appreciate the love, support, actions, thoughts, and prayers in our behalf. We hope to someday return the blessing to others.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and our SAS family,

Cade and the boys  

If you can, send Addie an email on this Thanksgiving. 
"The true test of character isn't how you are on our best days but how you act on your  worst."

Happy Thanksgiving!

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