
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Research Essay: 2nd Time Around

Look at this mentor example of a very strong RR

Reminder: All your assessment rubrics are linked on the blog in the left column. Today's RR will be assessed by the RR rubric. - Claims and Evidence

Research Based Essay

  • The 2nd round of research based essays starts Monday. (yeepee!)
  • You will have exactly 5 hours of class time + any H/W you decide to put into your paper.
  • Due date for the papers are end of class: Friday 12th
  • You will be able to work with a partner
  • If you score better on this paper, your grade for your previous paper will change to a formative grade.
  • This is the last writing grade for your report card

H/W - All Classes
You must come to class with a topic on Monday and a Research Question for your pair
Use this resource to find topics:  Middle School Database Research Topics

Firday's class we will spend looking at how to spot credible sources and examine some of the resources in the school's research databases

Homebase Reflection: Finding Your Inner Peace

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