
Monday, February 2, 2015


Sign into your new IXL account with your SAS username@singapore and the passwords sas123

Go to 5th grade - Exercise D.1 (Yes - this is a FIFTH grade skill that should already be mastered)

+3 for first 5 people to reach 100points.

Grammar Recap


Compound sentence paragraph (min. 10 sentences) DUE THUR. I will provide a link on the blog showing you where to turn in this H/W

For an 'A' - You will need to have 10 perfectly constructed compound sentences  ( some with ;). You should NOT use pronouns with every sentence. The content should show variety from one compound sentence to the next.
  • Your first book club book needs to be finished by Tuesday.
  • 50 mins of Membean this week - 55+ is 'above expectations'
  • You MUST finish the graphic organizer and bring it to class tomorrow if you wish to paint in tomorrow's class


  • Please bring any books that you have at home to donate to the Philippines to class tomorrow
  • Please return any class library books that you have finished with. +1 for each book you return (max +3)
  • Please bring any ART materials (paints etc.) that you have to use in tomorrow's class.


  1. For Membean minutes, what days does the week start and end?

  2. For ixl it said end of daily practice unit and said if you want unlimited practice become a member what do I do Mr Buxton?

  3. You need to SIGN into your a/c using the info I gave you yesterday. You are not logged in!

    Claire - FRI-FRI


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.