
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

My Temporary Absence

As many have you may already know, I am going to be absent from school for the next few weeks. I apologize for not being able to tell you this in person, but I was surprised at how quickly my wrists deteriorated. (Membean word) I do not know exactly how long it will be out, but I'm hoping I will be back sooner than later. I have my first surgery on one of my wrists on Monday.

As I always argue the importance of having a plan B, I was preparing for this event and hope that I will still be able to grade your work using some oral new feedback systems that I have been piloting. Next week you will receive an email from me that asks you to copy and paste your final realistic fiction story into the document I share with you. I will also be sending you a document for you to use for your work in your next reading response. More to follow on this later in the week. Please make sure you have added your name and email address to these forms.

C/D Class
E/F Class
G/H Class

 On the surface, being away from school seems pretty cool, but after one day at this, it is very boring. Therefore, I am really looking forward to reading your wonderful final realistic fiction stories!!! We have selected an excellent substitute teacher for you guys, and you will still have a pretty rigorous and engaging program. Passion project are coming soon. I will be really excited to know what you guys come up with! You will start your dystopian fiction book clubs on April 17th after you finish your next reading response. Regularly, I will be provided with a detailed update on how you are all doing. Of course, I know that each of you will continue to strive for absolute excellence and use this opportunity to show how far you have come as independent workers and passionate learners.

And to my Homebase. I sincerely hope that we win some of those dodgeball games!! I know you can be champions!

Take care - and finish strong!

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