
Monday, August 31, 2015

Notice and Note: Summative

You MUST read this text tonight - All Classes  TEXT. - Your assessment is on this story tomorrow. You may use any notes you take in class

Monthly Message -What are your class mates doing?
You really MUST read this too - This is what exemplary looks like!

This was exemplary. +1 if you can give a reason why in the comments


  1. It includes LOTS of nice evidence and claims.

  2. I think Zi got an Exemplary because not only did she back up her claim with at least 2 pieces of evidence with each back up point, but she also set goals for herself so that she can learn even more.

  3. I think Zi got an exemplary because first of all, her video wasn't boring to watch. Also, she added a lot of evidence and seemed like she was very confident when she was filming the video.

  4. I think Zi got an exemplary because her video to her parents wasn't boring. Also, she was very confident and had a lot of ideas to share.

  5. I think that Zi got an exemplary on her video because, she gave a lot of evidence to support her claim, and she stated mutiple things that she learned.

  6. +1 for all contributors! - Your observations were all sound. What do you think of Maja's piece?

  7. +1 for all contributors! - Your observations were all sound. What do you think of Maja's piece?


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.