
Friday, August 14, 2015

See Think Wonder

We learned how to transitive from avid readers (plot junkies) to interpretative readers. Great readers recongize that there has only ever been one plot ever written, "nothing is what it seems."

Make sure you bring your independent reading book to every class from now on.
Optional - Spend some time refining your question for our visiting author (Mon - C.D and E/F. Thur G/H block)
Optional - Win +1 if you copy/paste you question for our author into a comment. Remember - you will need to refine the question and make it succinct (find out what that word means!)

Lesson Recap

Student Sample

The Friday Message
Will you give up when it gets tough, or will you show patience and perseverance? Win +1 for leaving a comment!

Have a great w/end!


  1. If Josh feels so lonely after JB gets a girlfriend and stops hanging out with him, then why doesn't he find his own girlfriend, or simply make his own friends?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Was the chapter "Dribbling" about athletes somehow being more arrogant than others, or was it just to show the main character's actions and skills in Basketball?

  4. The Friday Message: I will show patience in the future by helping the person in need or when it comes to my own work, I know that I will try to make the best out of my work not only for me. But for others who look up to us as 7th graders in the lower grades. By doing and this, it shows perseverance and how strong we are to go through the harder times.

    In the poem "That's How I Got My Nickname", why did you choose the name 'Filthy McNasty'? Couldn't there been another song that related more to Josh's interest in basketball or is it his dad's favourite song?

  5. The Friday Message: I will show patience by helping and being kind to other people around me that need help. I will also show perseverance in the subjects that I can improve on.

    In the scene at the beginning of the book, Josh explained five reasons why he has long hair or locks/wings. I was wondering why you choose to add them to Josh and why did you call them locks?

  6. The Friday Message: I will show patience by not giving up and getting frustrated about it. I will help others that are struggling and keep trying myself to improve.

    I was thinking that this scene was written in a second person's point of view, why did you decide to write it this way?

  7. I know, Mr. Buxton, that I'm not in your class anymore, and if you don't want me to post here, I won't. But I feel like your blog is the main remaining link that connects me to last year, and if you know what I mean, I'm... well, I'm not ready to be fully an eighth grader. I still feel like someone in between seventh and eighth grade; when I talk about sixth grade I still say 'last year', and I feel as if at the end of the year, I was just getting to know you, Mr. Buxton. Therefore, I won't chatter too much, because then it wouldn't be 'academic matters'. I just wanted to say that I liked your Friday message this week. I know, I know, I can't get a plus point for it, but all the same. I have very many (I hesitate to say "things") skills I want to improve at, and many of those are kinda put 'on hold' because I haven't the patience to work on them right now. Putting them 'on hold' is kinda like giving up, isn't it? And a quitter is not what I want to be. I need to work on that. And I will, too. It's the only way I can succeed.

  8. Sneha -push the question deeper...Was your message to readers an indirect one..When faced with a problem, stop complaining about it and find a way around it?

    Zi - Nice

    Meera - hair is defined in terms of 'locks' e.g. she has beautiful locks of hair. More sophisticated question needed.

    Gaby -nice thinking

    Jade - no idea what scene you are referring to.

    Michal. Of course you are welcome to post to the blog. You will be a great inspiration to the new 7th grade group of students (who all seem very talented indeed). Please keep sharing your thoughts. :-)

  9. The message is to persevere whenever you are confronted by a difficult task. Don't give up and try over and over again until you make it. In other words; practice to reach your goals.

  10. The Friday Message

    I want to be persistent and keep going to reach my goals, because if i am not persistent I won't be able to make a difference.
    To me perseverance means even one word or action can make a difference if you keep at it
    i found a good quote by charles spurgeon than shows even the smallest animal has persistence.
    "by perseverance the snail reached the ark"

  11. When I read the scene 'Dribbling'. I saw many symbolic reference showing the social issue of teens wanting to be free but being restricted. Did you mean to use a symbolic reference to portray this conflict.

    The Friday message

    From this video I learned that if you show perseverance then you will be able eventually overcome all of the challenges in life. I also learned that some people will get over a challenge faster than others and if you are the person who takes some time you just need to be patient and keep on trying.


  12. The Friday Message: I watched the video about perseverance, and realised that although at the time things may seem hard, and next to impossible, if I keep trying hard enough, I will be able to accomplish my goals. I've never really been one to give up easily, especially considering I can be really stubborn sometimes, but I also realised I shouldn't just settle for the smaller goals.

    - Sneha

  13. The Friday Message: When watching this video, I realized that if you show perseverance, you will be able to overcome your goals and make it. Because when the first bird got up, they all started to try, but after a while they stopped trying, and started to move around. But then, all of them started to jump and attempt to get to the next step, and so they did! The last one remaining was probably the one who did not give up the most, because most people if we were to connect this to real life, would have given up and probably just waited for someone to come and help him/her, but the last bird did not give up, and decided to attempt again and again until he finally got up. This connects to what we learned on our first lesson, that it's OK to fail.

  14. Friday message: When it comes to times getting tough, to be honest i probably would have kept going. Even tough it's hard.
    All tough when i was younger i probably would have given up. For me perseverance comes with age.
    But it all depends...


  15. Friday Message: After watching this video, I realised that is if I show perseverance I will be able to overcome anything, no matter how impossible the task ahead is. By preserving you can accomplish anything. As long as you try hard enough you can accomplish any goal or task you want to achieve.

    In the poem, "How I Got My Nickname" were you trying to tell us that we don't have to follow in our parents footsteps but that we can be what we want to be?

  16. Watching the video, I learned that if you are determined or set on a goal, you need to keep trying to matter how many times you fail. You will succeed through perseverance, tenacity and determination. Just like those little ducklings. Determined to jump the obstacle in their way to reach their goal- Mom.

  17. What had inspired you to write a book, in that writing matter. Especially about Josh's obstacles, like how jelouse he was when his brother had a girlfriend, or his dad having the disease.
    Friday Message: The key to achieving your goal is determination, and patience.

  18. When I read the excerpt titled “I Don’t Think I’ll Ever Get Used To”, I see somebody sitting and leaning on a locker. The hallway is deserted and half the lights are off. This comes to mind because there is repetition of alone, alone, alone. This leads me to believe that he is somebody used to being the playing sports with all his friends, and trash talking everybody else. From what I know about this story, I think that his whole identity rests on his father and his friend Jordan. It seems that “Now that Jordan’s in love and Dad’s living in a hospital”, his whole social life has fallen apart. Did you write this book to criticize “popular” people and their social lives. To put my question into a metaphor, Josh Bell, a typical popular kid, is a building. Two pillars have fallen, and this has brought down the whole building. You seem to suggest that “popular” kids are socially fragile. Did you intend Crossover to be about that? If so, why do you believe that popular children tend to rely on 1 or 2 “henchmen”.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.