
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Words of the Wiser

Lesson Recap

The file for your claims will stay open until Friday at 8:30am. You can put as many tries to improve  your claim into there until this time. I will look at the file 2 each evening only. (I need to relax too in the evenings.) Copy your claim here

Make sure you read up to the agreed partner book page

Optional: Win +1 if you can add and 'wise words' and explain them in a comment.


  1. Words of the wiser is when a character learns something new that helps them get motivated. Like when someone in a book tells everyone around him that he can’t do something, it gets their self confidence low. But then another character, a wiser and older one replied and tells them that hey, everyone can do everything, but only if you believe in yourself. This example was from the movie Rudy.

  2. Words of the wiser, is usually when a older, more respected or more wise character shares a life lesson with the protagonist. Often leading the character to understand the solution to his/her internal conflict, making the protagonist take action.

  3. Wise Words are words that are normally said, by someone older than the main character, and the words motivate the character in some way.

  4. Words of the wiser, are usually few words that send the life lesson of the story or is something very meaningful to the character in the book. Normally older people give advice to the character that usually has a story behind it from where they learned that.

  5. Words of the wiser are usually said to the younger character in times of difficulty and stress. They can of then lead to ah ha moments or plot changes. Most times the do cause the character to ask tough questions and really think for them selves.

  6. Words of the wiser are words that inspire, motivate and compel the character to succeed or change his/her thinking about something
    Michael White

  7. Words of the wiser are words that motivate you to take action, change the way you behave, inspires, and teaches you a life lesson.

  8. Words of the wise are words that an older character or a wiser character teaches the other character a life lesson that will motivate that character to take action and do something about the conflict in the story.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.