
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I am a TCK

For my HB - Win +2 if you can share your biggest take-away from today's chat in HB

Root of the Week: Mort - Death


Parts of Speech - Pretest

Today's Mentor Text - The return

Slideshow - Make a copy of this slide. When you finish inserting your images, screenshot your slide and put it into your digital notebook

H/W - You must have your images collected for tomorrow's session. We will do the writing in tomorrow's class.


  1. I've thought about the person who had betrayed me, and it made me realise that I had already forgiven them, I just needed to stop thinking about what happened and forget what they did. Everytime I think about her, I feel as if it's in the past, but at the same time, I keep thinking about WHY she did what she did. If I stop thinking about that, I think I could be much more cheery and fun.

  2. +2 - Open up your heart - let the bad engry disappear and the good engry will make you shine!!!!

  3. oops - imagine ever having a teacher that can't spell!

  4. I have often thought about my parents restrictions existence, has been to annoy me. I pondered upon that subject for quit a while. I kept saying, why is it that they keep me from doing this. Is it to impress fellow parent's in raising there child to being an ordered proper lady, with no fun? Is it to annoy me? Is it to punish me for something I have done?
    LaterI realized that what they where saying or doing was always the best for me. Especially when it comes to restrictions.
    Now, if ever I'm restricted from doing anything I always have to remind myself that their actions and choices is for my best, and it helps me stay happy with my parents and I's relationship.

  5. oops wrong thing... sorry

  6. I leaned that you have to learn to forgive people. No matter what you do you can't change what has happened in the past. So the best thing that you can do to make yourself feel better is to let it go and forget about it. If you forget about the bad things that have happened in the past you start becoming more happy. I also learned that if you are a person who smiles a lot and is not always down it helps others become happy and therefore makes a better enviorment for everyone to live in.


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