
Sunday, April 3, 2016

Assessment Week

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This week you will do a variety of difference assessments. The schedule is below:

Monday: 1st Book Club Feedback: What is the novel teaching you about the social issue(s) woven into the plot?  This will be  assessed in the form of a drawing that captures your thinking about your story. Drawings/diagrams will be turned into this file (photographs of a composition notebook page) by Tuesday. In Tuesday's class, you will explain your drawing to me in a 1:1 conference.   - We will start this in class on Monday.

Tuesday: Begin second book clubs

Wednesday/Thursday:  (C/D& E/F class only.) Turn in your grammar Sentence Fluency Memory tool. This can take any form you choose. You will explain your memory tool in a 1:1 conference with me. Be ready for Wednesday, some of you will conference with me  Thursday.

Thursday: Grammar Sentence Fluency Test. This will be a 40 question multiple choice assessment on your knowledge of simple, compound, complex sentences. You will also have to be able to spot RUN-ON sentences as well (Fused sentences and Comma Splices).
Practice Questions

Friday: Turn in a realistic fiction written scene that captures a social issue. We will write another one of these this week and you will choose one scene to turn in for a grade on Friday. You will have to write an author's note explaining any craft and structure moves you make. e.g. how you develop the social issue through the scene or how you have shown who has the power in the scene.

Friday: Membean Test: 50 words. Will you have your 80minutes?

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