
Monday, September 19, 2016

Where I'm From

Today's lesson 
Surface Culture
Which specific foods do you commonly eat?
Fashion trends do you follow?
Which languages do you speak?
What type of music and  books can be found in your house?
What are some of the traditions you keep? What festivals do you celebrate?
How do you spend your winter and summer holidays?
What advertising slogans do you connect with? What are advice/critique are your parents always  saying?
What national sports teams do you follow? Who are your heros?
What national flags do you connect with?

H/W - Finish the first 8 lines of your  'Where I'm From' Poem - ALL CLASSES - Due Tue
The final poem will be a minimum 16 lines which will be due Wed.

You will be grade on the 'specificity of your idea' 
e.g. I like pizza NO
e.g. Domino's and Pizza's Hawaiian special. Fried ham and pineapple covered in sour cream YES



  1. Thank You Mr.Buxton about today's lesson I really learned and enjoyed a lot!

  2. Hi, Mr.Buxton!
    I just have one question about our "Where am I from" poem. Are we making a new document or are we putting this on our digital notebook? Thank you.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.