
Friday, October 21, 2016

suspense Writing - Introduction

Make a copy of this file: Suspense Writing - Digital Notebook

OPTIONAL - If you are so proud of your first quote sandwich, you can submit it to the Quill to be PUBLISHED in the MS magazine. MS Writing Submission Link

C/D and G/H - You will work on your quote sandwich on Monday -  You MUST finish  reading your book club book by TUESDAY at the lastest   You will write your quote sandwich in class on Monday after one final book club conversation.

E/F - Make sure you have turned your final 'quote sandwich' into Seesaw - You must return the book club FINISHED by Tuesday at the lastest.

Suspense Writing

Beginning NEXT Thursday - Movie Monologue  Presentations (Sign Up on the calendar below - Length 1-2mins max.) You will be graded on the 'PIPES public speaking rubric' we covered today (C/D and G/H) -  E/F -You will see this rubric on Monday.

The Friday Message

Be inspired and inspire all those around you. Sign up for your motivational speech from Thur 27th Oct to Wed 23rd Nov (Max. x2 people per day per class) Use the 'Book Talk' sign up calendar to sign up.
See some great moments from movies below as examples

You will be graded on the PIPES rubric for this work

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