
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Updates + Gerunds and Infinitives

Sentence Clauses Test has been pushed back to NEXT Wed (C/D and E/F) and Thur. (G/H)
This gives you more time to study if you choose to do so.
End of Year Grammar Phrases Test: May 3rd or 4th 
Use these links to practice for the different phrases

Go to NoREdInk - Practice Phrases exercises are waiting for you
General Practice:
Participle Phrase:
Gerund or Participle? 

First dystopian reading responses pushed back until NEXT Tue (C/D and E/F)

Grammar Review

Optional MAP Practice

#Bonus TEST Taking TIP
Often students get the wrong answer because they answer questions based on what 'they' think. Questions that ask your  opinion DON'T really want your opinion - They want  what the 'AVERAGE' person's may think, say, or do.  e.g. In the question below, it is not where YOU would go, it is where the AVERAGE person would go. This accounts for almost 10% of errors. - First and only time I will give you this advice. "Think like an 'average' person!

Test Question Database: Use this google doc. to copy/paste or screenshot any questions that you encounter that you do not understand. You may not understand what the question is asking or why your answer is wrong. Putting your name next to the question is optional. Check back to this file often to learn

TEST PREP H/W All classes
All Classes (Due: Thur)
Language Tests
Proficient Level Proficient Test 3
Advanced Level Advanced Test 3 

Bonus Test - If you are bored - Vocabulary Building

Reading Tests
Proficient Level: Proficient Test 3
Advanced Level: Advanced Test 3  

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