
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Welcome to ELA The Power of Possibilities

Today, you were introduced to the 'power of possibilities' Some major take-aways:

Stick your 'Comfort Zone' in a special place near your desk. Take a photo of it and place the image on your computer. We will compare images in 3 months to see how you have stepped out.

Bring the title of 3 books that you really loved reading
Optional: Write a comment under today's blog post that states something that you learned in 

  • Do just survive - THRIVE 
  • Practice what you are BAD at!
  • Always bring a growth mindset
  • Smash out of that comfort zone!


  1. Today, I learned about the possibilities of seventh grade. I also learned that sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zone. Even though it is called our comfort zone, I see it as a prison keeping us from the outside world. That is the reason why I thought it was important to step out of our comfort zone. Thank you, Mr. Buxton for today's lesson. I learned so much today! - Yuzo Lai

  2. Today, I learned that I should have a growth mindset and that having great success in 7th grade is possible if you push your limit and step out of your comfort zone. If you stay in your comfort zone you are not pushing yourself and if you just do the minimum and not go over and push yourself you won't succeed.

  3. Today I learned that I should set goals for myself that aren't in my comfort zone. If I set goals in my comfort zone, I will never be able to learn anything new. For example, If I were weak at dribbling the ball with my left and I was strong on my right hand, if I just practice with my right hand I will never get good at my left hand. Another thing that I learned is that people usually stay in their comfort because of fear. The fear of failing is why people stay in their comfort zone.

  4. Today I learned to never stick inside my comfort zone. I should always try to branch out more, like doing the debate club, doing a different sport, etc., etc.,. If I stayed in my comfort zone, I would be restraining myself from learning and growing as a person. If we all just lived inside the tiny little box called the comfort zone, I would never learn anything new, never grow as a person, never experience things that I maybe would enjoy later on in life! I also learned to not have a fixed mindset, because it can restrain how much I succeed. I also learned that you should always push yourself to go above and beyond because if you just do the bare minimum, you're not going to go anywhere.

    I've only had ELA for a day and I'm already learning all this stuff! Thank you Mr. Buxton!
    -Samantha Wang

  5. Today I learnt that telling myself that I'm not good at something only creates another hurdle in my path to success. In addition to that I learnt that my comfort zone is a barrier to success, being afraid of failing because I thought out of the box and stepped out of my comfort zone is the reason why I choose not to do so. I have to practice the things that I'm not good at, or comfortable with in order to get better at them. I have to try things that we aren't comfortable with, but I can't spread ourselves too thin- It's all about balance. My comfort zone is meant to be stepped out of, and is a your hurdle in the way of me being successful. -Zi

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  7. Today, I learned that this world is full of possibilities. It's possible for me to learn something new, but sometimes I'm afraid to because I feel like I will fail. In those types of moments, I tend to stay in my comfort zone. Today, I learned that you have to think of all the possibilities and not be afraid to try something new. You will fail at one point, but that's just part of learning and taking one step at a time. I learned that you only need one step to get out of your comfort zone. - Sophia Shaker

  8. +1 for all who commented. I'll tell you what that means tomorrow.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.