
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Dear Mom and Dad,
For the last few weeks, I have been working on my TRi Time investigation during Homebase. My driving question, which is... (Insert your driving question.).
I intend to investigate specifically…
I was most excited during my investigation this week when… (Describe a moment during TRi Time this week when you were really excited about your investigation, had an aha moment, or were inspired to dig deeper.).
One struggle I had this week was… (Describe a moment during TRi Time this week when you hit a roadblock or weren’t sure what to do next.).
I overcame that challenge by… (Explain how you overcame your struggle or roadblock.).
As I continue my TRi Time work, I could use your help by... (Explain how your parents might help you now.). If you have any tips for me, I would greatly appreciate them
Thanks for your support throughout my TRi Time investigation!

(Insert your name here)

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