
Thursday, September 26, 2013

What to watch for in stories...

Recap of what we need to always be on the look out for when reading stories:
  • Good readers notice when author's use the setting to set the stage for events
  • Good readers notice how events set the mood or tone of a piece
  • Good readers look for objects or symbols reappear frequently
  • Good readers listen for when the author repeats details or focuses on something
  • Good readers pay attention to when the author makes an important statement that can hint a future action or be significant later in the book (turning point)
Be prepared for 'parts of speech' assessment for tomorrow.

For Monday: Make sure you have read the story in your blue package: "All Summer in a Day" - -linked. MAKE SURE you show your thinking about the story by making notes in the margins. We will discuss this story as a class on Monday. How effectively will you be involved in the discussion?

Your next reading response about a character will be set in two weeks!


  1. I have a question Mr.Buxton how do you study for the assement

  2. You can study for the assessment with your purple cards or the links on his blog from a couple of lessons ago.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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