
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Writing Claims about Themes

H/W - Just read tonight. Feel free to write anything down about your reading you notice (optional)

Lesson Recap

Claim = An arguable opinion about  a text

e.g. In the opening scene of the short story, Thank you Ma’am by Langston Hughes the author teaches readers that when faced with desperate situations, people will often do whatever it takes to survive

Sentence Starters

Help - I don't get claims.... READ THIS

Big tip for finding claims - Google the topic or cliche and adjust your claim based on the images you find e.g. perseverance. You CANNOT just copy the quote, but you can use the quote to help build an idea. e.g.

Image result for perseverance

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Author's Craft and Its Purpose

Today, we covered an important skill on authors craft and purpose.

H/W - Choose one author's craft move from your reading tonight and using the steps from today's lesson explain critique that move

Secret word is ELEPHANT

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

From Avid Reader to Interpretive Readers: SEE THINK WONDER

Today,  we learned how to transition from avid readers (plot junkies) to interpretative readers (deeper thinkers). Great readers recognize that there has only ever been one plot ever written, "nothing is what it seems."


H/W - Read for 15-20mins.  For 10-15 minutes use your SEE THINK WONDER  (STW) strategy to go deeper into your text to discover more about a section you have just read. Select a few lines, words, or paragraphs and see where STW might take you.  Write a short paragraph about your thinking in your reader's notebook.

IMPORTANT: the secret word is Onion ( You will need this word tomorrow!)

Monday, August 21, 2017

Notebook Design

H/W - Read for 25 mins. Spend 5-10mins collecting your thinking about your reading. Are you using a strategy to collect your ideas?

 Reader's Notebook cover pages. Final DUE DATE - Wednesday. 

OPTIONAL - Write a brief comment explaining the message the guess speaker was delivering today. 
+ point for all contributions

RECAP of guidelines for Notebook Design

Friday, August 18, 2017

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