
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Quote Sandwich

H/W. You need your first quote sandwich submitted to SEESAW for tomorrow. (Tue) - Remember to go DEEPER into EVIDENCE using transition techniques. (one per team - you will receive a GRADE for this one)

Student Mentor 1 Argument Essay - Read the SECOND PARAGRAPH - Can you spot the different parts of the quote sandwich

Remember these steps to go from notes to a quote sandwich

Monday, December 11, 2017

Argument Essay - Structure and Organization

Claim Grade - You must submit your claim in here by beginning of class Tuesday - You will be given a summative grade for your claim

Claims: Samples from class

This is the breakdown for this week for those who like to plan ahead. I will explain each section every day. You must have the section completed for the next day. You will be given a SUMMATIVE grade for EACH SECTION as we progress through the week.

Tuesday - Turn in your first quote sandwich (I will explain this tomorrow)

Wednesday - Grammar assessments
Parallel Structure Test - Wed  Use these additional links if you would like to do further practice. (Grammar Grade)

Thursday - Counterargument (I will explain this)

Friday - Narration (I will explain this)

Friday, December 8, 2017

Charting Notes

I will be checking NoRedInk and putting a grade in on Monday - That's a little extra time for those who need it!

Finalized claim - By the end of class Monday

Parallel Structure Test - Wed  Use these additional links if you would like to do further practice. (Grammar Grade)

Important: There will be a few questions on the test on subjects and predicates and opening and delayed adjectives.
If you know the difference between a simple, complete, compound and complete compound subjects, you will be fine. Do you know the different types of predicates?
Can you spot an opening or delayed adjective in a sentence?

Writing Grade - You will perform your planet parallelism skit to me with your partner on Wed. Instructions below.

Lesson Recap - Synthesizing Using Charting Notes

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Debate WARS

Research Links: Argument Essay - TEXT SETS  - Choose your topic

H/W - Make sure you have finished the NoREdInk parallel structure practice. (Due FRI. - Will you master the content by then?) Score Exemplary for 90% + mastered.

Starting tomorrow - Quote Sandwich Debate tournament

Score points for:
Claims, Quotes with principles of authority, warrants, reasoning that goes deeper. NF craft moves (eg. domain specific language, parallel structure,  impact words, emotive language, transitions etc.

Format: 1 min each to give your best delivery of a 'sophisticated' quote sandwich (you can refer to notes, but you cannot simply read out your ideas.)

  • Bonus points: 30 secs  each to name holes in other person's argument
  • Class Vote decides the winner. Mr. Buxton has final decision to avoid any favoritism
  • Check out who you compete against and when you compete - BYE means you go the next round

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