
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sentence Fluency

This week we will begin our first grammar unit titled, 'Sentence Fluency'.

What does it mean to have a piece of writing that shows fluency?

Win +points for adding your comments


  1. what are the categories for the sentence fluency homework on september 14

  2. what are the categories for the sentence fluency home work on sept 14

  3. Sentence fluency means to write using words that flow steadily, staying on the same topic, and using correct grammar. That is what I think sentence fluency means. -Catie

  4. robert
    Rights and Responsibilities of U.S. citizens
    U.S. Seal
    X3 free choice

    Catie- What is fluency again? Check your notes!

  5. sentence fluency means using not only simple but compound and complex sentences. It also means not using the same words over and over again


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