
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Simple Sentences

Links to Ms. Graham's Science H/W

Again ...Kudos to  Scott and Austin. F for their 100% scores on the first spelling test and correct bonus question.
Well done to Andrew and Lindsey for your 100% scores

 It is clear that some of you are still confused about appositives.  I have  an extra worksheet on this topic if you would like a little more practice. Please come and see me tomorrow if you would like one for extra credit.

It is VITAL  that you spend a few minutes thinking about the 'simple sentences' techniques we introduced in class today. Maybe you can use a few of them to tell me your opinions about the 'traits' of effective writing. Plus points for any notable contributions. Make sure you are comfortable with the terms
'participle phrase' and 'infinitives' and how they are used to open sentences.

From today's session....
Always avoid starting sentences with these words
There is/are -There was/were - Then – And – Because
Pronouns (I We They etc.)

Start sentences instead with:
Technique 1: Starting with a Noun
Mary played tennis with her friends. OR The boys enjoyed the food.
Your example

Technique 2: Starting with an Adjective
Beautiful trees line both sides of the road. OR An incessant noise droned in the background.
Your example

Technique 3: Start with an Adverb + Comma
Gradually, the incessant noise began to diminish. OR Slowly, the children headed out to recess.
Your example

Technique 4: Start with a Verb (known as a participle phrase) verb + ing + noun
Working with their partners, the students finished the assignment.
Your example

Technique 5: Starting with an Infinitive (to + verb)
To live in Hawaii is the dream of my life. OR To help others is a noble occupation.
Your example
Technique 6: ‘Doubles and Triples’

Your sentences will be descriptive from now on...won't they?

1 comment:

  1. To have effective writing, avoid using gobbledygook ideas! Importantly, you must have a great sentence fluency , because this makes you sentences gripping. These are my opinions on two of the topics we have learned today.


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