
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

SAT Practice - FOR FUN!!!!

I am adding this link to the blog on the right side of the page.
These are SAT questions from real tests. For those who don't know, SATs are the tests that you take at 18 years old that 'help' determine which university you enter. What I want to show you is how the questions they ask are very similar to the types of language skills we are learning. There is only one multiple choice question each day. Try doing one each day for fun. You might be surprised how many you can get correct. You might need to refresh the page once you open the link...
Don't worry...I got the first one wrong 3 times!


  1. Mr.Buxton, is all we have for homework the A Mummy Mystery thing

  2. Lilly, yes,we only have the mummy mysterything for humanities for Mr.Buxton's class, i'm not sure about Mrs. Graham's class.

  3. I tried the SAT question. It took me 3 times to figure it out.

  4. I took the SAT question and got it in 2 tries.

  5. Breck,

    Make sure you copy up today's class notes. Missed an important lesson. Half a friend tell you exactly what we did.

  6. Yay!!!!!!! I got the SAT question right on my first try!!!!!!!!

  7. I got the SAT question right on my first try too WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I feel jubilant to the point of putting 3 lines of exclamation marks!! WOOHOO!!:)

  8. it only took me 2 times to get it rite!!!!!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. how do you print out the sheet that states all the homework for this week?

  11. Sophie you have to download it then print it out!

  12. Yeah! I got it right the first time too!

  13. i took me 3 tries to get it right

  14. Yay! i got it the SAT question right for the first time again but all i did was really guess i even had no idea what they were talking about even when they explained it!!!!!!!!!!!1


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I really did know what I was doing , I got the SAT question of math right on my first try! It was calculating the volume of the cylinder.

  17. i just took a gues and it took me 2 tries


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